
The Scioto Valley Beekeepers is dedicated to assisting current and future beekeepers in Pickaway County and the surrounding areas in Ohio. Our mission is to promote public awareness of the benefits, necessity, and value of the honeybee throughout human existence. 
This page was last updated: June 13, 2024
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Have a swarm in your yard? 

Click Here for a list of local beekeepers that can help.

Do not send an email - keep going down the list until you speak with someone - swarms usually do not stay in one place long
The Poyner bee yard during a light rain. In the middle left hand side of the picture you can see a bee flying.
Bill Huhman's awesome picture!
Marty Smiths English Garden Hive
Not where the swarm was supposed to be.
A swarm moving into a swarm trap.
A beautiful swarm. Photo by Desiree Poynor
President: Matt Woida
Vice-President: Tom Zwayer
Secretary: Abigail Buller
Treasurer : Tina Bobek
Trustee : Laura Aume
Trustee : Barb Harwood
Trustee : Eric Blair

Founder : Arnold Crabtree

The Scioto Valley Beekeepers displays this information as a guide for beekeepers in Central Ohio and should be adjusted for other climates and situations. In addition, the information and opinions contained herewith do not constitute or represent the recommendations or opinions of the Scioto Valley Beekeepers or its officers, directors, or members. No liability, whatsoever, is or will be assumed by the Scioto Valley Beekeepers, at any time, now or in the future, as the information contained on this site should be used at your own risk.
Contact us via email:  sciotovalleybeekeepers@yahoo.com